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About EASE Yoga

Hatha-based Yoga

EASE Yoga classes are Hatha-based, with a strong background in Ashtanga and Prana Vashya. The practices are designed to strengthen, tone, and increase mobility in the body, and clear and relax the mind. 


Everyone comes to yoga at a different point in their journey. We ensure that all body types and levels of experience are accommodated.


When taking on the practice of yoga, it is highly recommended to learn and understand the eight limbs of yoga:


  1. Yama – Restraints, moral disciplines, or moral vows

  2. Niyama – Positive duties or observances

  3. Asana – Posture

  4. Pranayama – Breathing techniques

  5. Pratyahara – Sense withdrawal

  6. Dharana – Focused concentration

  7. Dhyana – Meditative absorption

  8. Samadhi – Bliss or enlightenment


Learn more:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my child practice yoga at EASE?

EASE Yoga classes are available to students who are 10 years old and older. If a student is under 13 years old, a guardian is required to join them in the practice until the instructor determines that the student will be able to follow the class and etiquette unsupervised.


Can I practice yoga if I am unfit or haven’t exercised in a long time?


Yes, yoga is a great place to start your wellness journey.  


Can I practice yoga if I am recovering from an injury?


This depends on the severity of the injury; you may wish to speak with your physician first. Please let us know if you do have an injury and we can discuss it further.


What do I need to wear and bring to class?


Please bring a yoga mat and wear non-restrictive clothing. That’s it!


Do you offer hot yoga?


No, EASE Yoga offers room-temperature sessions only. We believe that room-temperature yoga is the safest environment for yoga practice. 

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